SC Legislation

AHA Legislative Priorities
The American Heritage Association endorses the following pieces of legislation in South Carolina which seek to restore real history education and protect historical monuments and the integrity of historical plaques.

House Bill 4374 is sponsored by South Carolina State Representative Kathy Landing.
This bill requires a majority of the individuals appointed to craft South Carolina's academic history standards for K-12 public schools to be actual historians. Furthermore, the bill prohibits those which subscribe to Critical Race Theory and its tenets from being appointed.
To view the bill and the current list of co-sponsors, click here.

Senate Bill 527 is sponsored by South Carolina
State Senator Danny Verdin.
This bill is the Senate companion to House Bill 3096 (below) which aims to expand state monument protections and increase penalties for violations. Senate Bill 527 also contains a unique provision which prevents local governments from transferring ownership of public lands upon which monuments sit to private entities in order to circumvent the Heritage Act (with the exception of organizations dedicated to honoring the subject matter of the monument).
To view the bill and the current list of co-sponsors, click here.

House Bill 3096 is sponsored by South Carolina State Representative Bill Taylor.
This bill requires the withholding of certain state funds from local governments if they remove historical sculptures or monuments until they are put back in place. Additionally, the bill provides local historical groups with the ability to sue local governments for damages if they violate state monument protection laws. These memorials and works of art belong to the people of this state and must be preserved for futuer generations of South Carolinians.
To view the bill and the current list of co-sponsors, click here.

House Bill 3772 is sponsored by South Carolina State Representative Steven Long.
This bill requires all historical plaques and markers to be certified by the SC Department of History and Archives to be factually accurate and free of opinionated statements. The people of the Palmetto State should be presented with the facts and not biased statements. South Carolinian's should have the right to form their own opinions.
To view the bill and the current list of co-sponsors, click here.